Sales skills won't get your project funded,

preparation will.

Securing funding is not just about presenting a compelling case. Less than 20% of projects get funded because investors and financial institutions look for data-driven strategies, transparency, realistic forecasts and risk management skills.

Funding real estate projects

Assess risks like an investor

The ARES Risk evaluation score results and diagnostic data will allow us to guide you through the due diligence process, helping you address potential concerns and showcase your project's viability and profitability.

Demonstrate strategic planning

Our consultants will work closely with you to fine-tune your business plan, financial projections, and presentation materials, ensuring they are comprehensive, convincing, and reflective of the project's potential.

Build a winning team

Investors and financial institutions look for projects with high potential returns, and for highly competent management teams that can demonstrate transparency, strategic thinking and strong market knowledge.

Financing Real Estate Developments

Financing real estate

Attract investors for your project, but not at any cost.

Private equity is expensive and the cost can add strain to your project and reduce your profit share. We can help you put your project in shape and prepare your case for obtaining financing from reputable financial institutions at a reasonable interest rate.

Presentation first

Gain the skills to shape and showcase your project according to the criteria that matter most for financial institutions.

Building trust

Showing transparency and the ability to thoroughly assess and pro-actively anticipate risks is the best guarantee for investors.

The race is long, the results are worth it.

Experience that pays off in concrete results for our clients.


Funding success rate

When we deliver a project to investment funds or financing institutions, they know that the development has gone through a thorough risk analysis that reduces review time. This allows you to obtain faster and safer financing.


Years of experience

We're a company created by developers with experience in retail, vertical and horizontal housing, hospitality, and energy. Our practical knowledge will help you and your team develop sustainable and profitable projects.

Projects evaluated

Since 2019, we have evaluated the risks and detected the most vulnerable areas of over 400 projects in more than 35 cities and 4 different countries. The results have helped developers take corrective action to improve the projects and increase profitability.

Average Cost Reduction Rate

For more than 6 years we have audited developments and construction companies, detecting diversion of resources, fraud, and embezzlement by internal and external contractors. It is a difficult but necessary task to finish the projects in a timely manner.
financing real estate projects

Is your real estate project

fit for funding?

Only 15% of real estate projects are approved for funding by financial institutions. Find out how to assess the risk criteria that your project will be assessed to get financed.